In case you hadn't heard, I am getting my first granddaughter in February. My son Grant and Daughter - in- love Cara, who live in Nashville are blessing our family with McCallan Hope Ellis! Needless to say we are so excited. So what is a designing grandmother to do but design the nursery! Sooo much fun!!! A designer never gets to do too many fun children's rooms. In this case I decided to do 95% of all the sewing myself, which reminds me of why I use a professional workroom for my design business. I'm not very patient with the sewing details. (understatement) . I will give you a couple of pics to see a preview. The curtains and other bedding is all finished but must be installed in Nashville. The theme of the nursery is little birds.
Cara wanted an airy light feel to the room which was already painted celery green, so we used a lot of white, tiny green print, pink seersucker, and pink on white dotted fabric. You know how I love a bargain and this room started with a remnant of seersucker at Hancocks on the clearance table. This eventually led me to several other locations to find enough to do the job! (I create my own chaos) This seems kind of silly as I have a couple of hundred fabric books in my office but I love a good bargain hunt!!! I will have more pics when the whole room is put together! The colors are very soft and unfortunately don't photo very well but you can get the idea. Have a great Lord's day tomorrow!!! ele
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