I am having my first GIVEAWAY and it was spurred by my sweet husband. (who woulda thunk it!) Anybody who knows us knows that we think about as differently as two people possibly could.. (picture math mind versus creative mind, non-visual vs. visual, ie you get the picture.) So we almost had a knock down drag out over which of us bought my new favorite thing, "Blogging for Bliss" the book by Tara Frey. I was commenting on how much I was learning from this book and he replied 'I am glad I bought it for you', to which I replied 'I bought this for myself at the book store.' Well for the next 15 minutes we went round and round about WHO bought the book. Each of us adamantly convinced the other was losing his/her mind. So we ended it by agreeing to find receipts, and look for the "other" copy. Welllll, who in a million years would have expected us to buy the same book!!??!!! Not us!!!! We do NOTHING the same. BUT... this time we actually did!! I had been reading both but didn't realize it. One was in the bedroom and one in the living room. He needed to order something else on Amazon to get free shipping so he looked for me a blogging book. (aaaaaaawwwwww isn't that sweet? he is very thoughtful) I on the other hand had waded through all the blogging books at the bookstore to land on this one. It has beautiful pictures (very important to the creative mind!) and is a virtual WORLD OF BLOGGING INFO. It includes dozens of interesting blogs with snippets about each of them. Since I am still new at this, it has proved invaluable!!! BUT I DON'T NEED 2 COPIES!!! So therefore "MY FIRST GIVEAWAY" IS A COPY OF THIS BOOK. Just post a comment saying you want the book, or 'did I win?' or whatever you want to say. If there is not an actual comment box at the end of this blog, (it keeps disappearing for some reason) then just click on the word 'comment' and that should work. I will pick from all comments before midnight tonight. BE SURE and sign up for email notification in the subscribe box. Also all feedback is welcome!! I am still evolving!!
Have a great Lord's day! ele
ps. still waiting on the grandbaby! 2 days late!